25 engaging ice breakers for virtual meetings that wont bore your team!

Ask your team for their office-appropriate takes before a conference call. They could post in chat about what’s the best cuisine, who’s the worst superhero, or what’s the https://remotemode.net/blog/15-effective-icebreakers-for-virtual-meetings/ worst ice cream flavor. Hot takes get everyone talking because they’re mildly controversial and fun. See what everyone comes up with by using them as an icebreaker.

funny icebreakers for virtual meetings

Whether you are currently running a remote team due to the pandemic or your team has been virtual for years, virtual ice breakers can help just about any Zoom call or meeting. When it comes to virtual meetings, discover how an online whiteboard like Conceptboard can give you collaboration superpowers. Explore our blog for more resources on how to stay productive when working in virtual teams, tips on online brainstorming and remote meetings and workshops.

Bonus #9 The Minefield: The Obstacle Icebreaker

I went first, and had the others guess the lie and only one of them got it right! Lastly, we declared the winner who guessed the most lies (that was me!). Telephone is a childhood classic, and now, you can play it digitally! Then, the host will send a code to the team so they can join in. To make this activity orderly, members will mute their device and only unmute to produce the animal sound when the leader prompts.

funny icebreakers for virtual meetings

In that case, you might dig deeper with questions that stimulate a bit more reflection and thoughts. After all, most of us are guilty of taking the ‘Which bagel am I’ quiz, right? But, jokes apart, personality tests are a great way to improve collaboration and interaction.

Different types of virtual icebreakers and when to use them

In today’s world of side hustles, it’s nice to have hobbies that aren’t monetized. To play two truths and a lie, all you have to do is tell two truths about yourself and one lie. Take turns doing this activity as a team, and everyone will get to learn more about each other. By kickstarting things with an element of group participation, icebreakers can also help you capture virtual attention spans and hold them for longer. With tons of streaming services to choose from, your coworkers are bound to have some favorite TV shows. Ask questions like which shows they’d rather watch, or be a part of.

To begin this zoo line-up game, the leader will ask the participants to think of a zoo animal they like the most. The leader will then ask the participants to pretend to be the chosen animal by imitating the chosen animal’s sound. If the players are unfamiliar with the animal’s sounds, then they may use gestures to describe the animals. However, at no other time during the game should both groups do the same action. This can lead to surprisingly insightful conversations about seemingly trivial topics. You’ll also learn about your team member’s personal preferences or pet peeves.

Icebreaker Questions for Training Sessions

Everyone should submit one fact about themselves before your upcoming meeting or call. The attendees have 10 seconds to guess who the fact applies to in the chat before the conference leader reveals the answer. Team leaders can collect responses before a meeting and display a few on a slide.

  • To energize a virtual meeting, you can incorporate engaging ice breakers.
  • But this can be a thing of the past when you introduce the humble icebreaker to get people talking and to loosen them up.
  • If meeting attendees feel stress, especially about the meeting itself, then tension will dominate the agenda.
  • Two or three individuals can also play against each other simultaneously.
  • Let Slido help you connect with your teammates, wherever they are.
  • To select the best icebreaker, you must first understand the mindset of the participants.

No worries if you don’t have much time before your next team meeting. After everyone enters the meeting room, ask them to grab one item from their desk or office space. Each person will explain the item’s background, why they have it, or why it matters to them.

In this short and very physical energizer, the group shakes out their bodies one limb at a time. Starting with eight shakes of the right arm, then eight shakes of the left, eight shakes of the right leg, then eight shakes of the left. It continues with a round of four shakes of each limb, then two, then one, ending in a big cheer. A good energizer when time is limited and the main aim is to get people moving. 9 Dimensions is a powerful activity designed to build relationships and trust among team members.

For large group meetings, break attendees up into groups of 3-6 people, and have each small group complete the icebreaker. Joking aside, virtual icebreakers https://remotemode.net/ can foster team closeness, and I do use (and enjoy!) them when done right. So below, let’s look at 12 virtual icebreakers your team won’t hate.

“Treat Yourself” Icebreaker

This playful method creates a powerful shared picture of the feelings in the group. Checking-in is a simple way for a team to start a meeting, workshop, or activity. By using the metaphor of a rollercoaster this alternative version supports participants to think differently about how they are feeling. People place themselves at different points on the rollercoaster, explaining their dominant feeling right now.

funny icebreakers for virtual meetings


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